Only by following the mass line and listening to all useful opinions can we make a good job of it. 只有走群众路线,集思广益,才能办好这些事。
We should persist in the mass line. 我们应该坚持群众路线。
The mass line in Party work is of profound theoretical and practical significance. 党的工作中的群众路线,具有极深刻的理论意义和实际意义。
To rely on the masses, to follow the mass line& this is what we have learned from them. 依靠群众,走群众路线,是从他们那里学来的。
We must follow the mass line in everything we do. 办什么事也得走群众路线。
It means seeking truth from facts and following the mass line. 就是实事求是,群众路线。
The general programme in the draft constitution stresses that the party must unceasingly carry forward the tradition of the mass line in party work and points out that since the party is now in power, this task has acquired even greater significance than before. 党章草案的总纲,着重地指出了党必须不断地发扬党的工作中的群众路线的传统,并且指出了这个任务由于党成了执政的党而有更加重大的意义。
Our line in the work of eliminating counter-revolutionaries is the mass line. 我们在肃反工作中的路线是群众肃反的路线。
Therefore, it is of special significance at present to diligently propagate and carry out the mass line throughout the Party. 因此,目前在全党认真地宣传和贯彻执行群众路线,也就有特别重大的意义。
The Unity of the Methods for Our Party's Mass Line and the Thought of Putting People First In my opinion, it consists fundamentally of the problems of working for the masses and how to work for the masses. 党的群众路线方法与以人为本思想的统一性我以为,我们的问题基本上是一个为群众的问题和一个如何为群众的问题。
This mass line in earthquake forecasting not only cuts losses in life and property but also provides data for new progress in seismology. 地震预报走群众路线不仅减少了人民生命财产的损失,而且也为地震学的新发展提供了资料。
Did we follow the mass line over the past few years? 这几年有没有群众路线呢?
Following the mass line has been a very good tradition of our party's for a long time. 群众路线是我们党长期的很好的传统。
When we speak of the great victories of our party resulting from following the mass line, we do not mean that all our work in this regard had been excellent. 在说到我们党由于实行群众路线而得到巨大的胜利的时候,我们的意思决不是认为我们的工作在这一方面都是光明的。
Fostering a good atmosphere depends primarily on two things& following the mass line and seeking truth from facts. 培养好的风气,最主要的是走群众路线和实事求是这两条。
What is the mass line in Party work? 什么是党的工作中的群众路线呢?
The question of the mass line is not a new one in the work of our Party. 群众路线在我们党的工作中,并不是新的问题。
What he emphasizes most is that we must follow the mass line. 他最强调的是我们必须走群众路线。
The only correct way is to follow the mass line. 唯一正确的办法是走群众路线。
The masses are the source of our strength and the mass viewpoint and the mass line are our cherished traditions. 群众是我们力量的源泉,群众路线和群众观点是我们的传家宝。
The people's government must conduct all its activities along the revolutionary mass line. 人民政府必须按照革命群众路线进行一切活动。
It is the fundamental organizational principle of the Party and is also the mass line applied in the Party's political activities. 它既是党的根本组织原则,也是群众路线在党的生活中的运用。
The congress urged all the comrades to carry out the mass line. 代表大会要求所有同志都要走群众路线。
In the practical dimensions, the contemporary approach of the mass line lies in the balance of interest and keeping pace with the times. 在实践维度上,利益均衡以及与时俱进是党的群众路线不断创新和发展的当代进路。
Following the mass line and trusting the masses; 比如群众路线,信任群众。
I am not boasting in saying that some foreign political parties really believe in our mass line. 不是吹牛皮,一些外国党也真正相信我们的群众路线。
The mass line in Party work, therefore, demands that the Party leadership conduct themselves with modesty and prudence. 因此,党的工作中的群众路线,本身就要求党的领导保持谦虚和谨慎的态度。
Therefore, carrying out the mass line and overcoming bureaucratism invariably involve a long-term struggle. 因此,贯彻群众路线,克服官僚主义,也必须是一个长时期的斗争。
Conducting investigation and study is also part of following the mass line. 所谓群众路线,包括调查研究。
We must at all times and under all circumstances adhere to the Party's mass line, and to the purpose of serving the people heart and soul and regard the people's interests as the starting point and goal of all our work. 在任何时候任何情况下,都必须坚持党的群众路线,坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,把实现人民群众的利益作为一切工作的出发点和归宿。